SNRSF004: S1E04 “Phantom Traveler”

This week Matt and Samantha review the 4th episode of Season 1, “Phantom Traveler”. Once again, Frode gives us another “From The North” contribution. Hey! Find us on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter – you can find all of the links over there on the right of the page.

SNRSF003: S1E03 “Dead In The Water”

This week Matt and Samantha review the 3rd episode of Season 1, “Dead In The Water”. Find us on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter – you can find all of the links over there on the right tab!


SNRSF001: S1E01 “Pilot”

Matt finds a co-host! Welcome Samantha as the two of them review S1E01 “Pilot”. Also welcome Frode from Norway who will be contributing a “From the North” segment regularly. You can find a number of ways to join in our conversation such as Twitter, Facebook Page, Facebook Discussion page, and Google+ at our website or contact the podcast directly by e-mail