SNRSF052: S9E08 “Rock And A Hard Place”

Happy Thanksgiving! AND….Spoiler Alert! If you are not completely current with Season 9 of the CW’s Supernatural, you may want to avoid this podcast until you are, unless you want to be spoiled through S9E08 “Rock And A Hard Place”.

Otherwise Matt (due to the US holiday) goes solo to talk about the aforementioned episode, and take your feedback and get Scott’s review on the same.

Find links to our social media, our Zazzle store, and back episodes at and submit feedback via email at or by calling 888-398-6625.

SNRSF051: S2E19 “Fulsom Prison Blues”

In this episode Samantha and Matt look at S2E19 “Folsom Prison Blues” and get Scott’s take on the same. Don’t leave the podcast in solitary! Leave us a review on iTunes or Stitcher, and join our social media groups, or buy a tee shirt or coffee mug! Find all of those links as well as all back episodes at or submit feedback by sending an e-mail to or by calling 888-398-6625!

SNRSF050: S9E07 “Bad Boys”

Spoiler Alert! If you are not completely current with Season 9 of the CW’s Supernatural, you may want to avoid this podcast until you are, unless you want to be spoiled through S9E07 “Bad Boys”.

Otherwise Matt and Samantha talk about the aforementioned episode, and take your feedback and get Scott’s review on the same.

Find links to our social media, our Zazzle store, and back episodes at and submit feedback via email at or by calling 888-398-6625.

SNRSF049: Feedback Up To S2E18 “Hollywood Babylon”

It’s time for your feedback! Samantha and Matt go through all of your past feedback up through S2E18 “Hollywood Babylon”, and then tackle ‘spoiler’ feedback (up through S9E03) after the end music.

Find all of our social media links and links to buy coffee mugs and tee shirts at and feel free to leave us feedback for our next feedback episode by sending an e-mail to or by calling 888-398-6625.

SNRSF048: S9E06 “Heaven Can’t Wait”

Spoiler Alert! If you are not completely current with Season 9 of the CW’s Supernatural, you may want to avoid this podcast until you are, unless you want to be spoiled through S9E06 “Heaven Can’t Wait”. Otherwise Matt and Samantha talk about the aforementioned episode, and take your feedback and get Scott’s review on the same.

Find links to our social media, our Zazzle store, and back episodes here at and submit feedback via email at or by calling 888-398-6625.

SNRSF047: S2E18 “Hollywood Babylon”

Matt and Samantha put on their trendy sunglasses and watch S2E18 “Hollywood Babylon”, and get Scott’s take on the same. Next week we take a look at all of your feedback for S2E16-18.

Find all of our social media at and submit feedback via or by calling 888-398-6625

SNRSF046: S9E05 “Dog Dean Afternoon”

Spoiler Alert! This podcast covers the CW’s Supernatural up through S9E05 “Dog Dean Afternoon”. If you are not current with the series and wish to remain spoiler free, avoid this podcast until you are caught up to aforementioned episode.

Otherwise Samantha and Matt give their review on the ep, take your feedback, and get Scott’s take on the same.

Help us promote the podcast with itunes or stitcher store page reviews or by wearing our logo on a teeshirt or coffee mug! Find those links and our social media links at and submit feedback via e-mail ( or voice-mail (888-398-6625).

SNRSF045: S2E17 “Heart”

This week Samantha and Matt get their “Heart”(s) broken by the S2E17 episode of the same name, and get Scott’s take on the same. Don’t forget our Season 9 podcasts drop on Thursdays!

All back episodes and links to all of our social media can be found at and if you have feedback for us, call 888-398-6625 or send an e-mail to – We’ll have a special Feedback episode in 2 weeks so get yours in now!

SNRSF044: S9E04 “Slumber Party”

Spoiler alert. This podcast covers the most recent episode of The CW’s Supernatural. Avoid this podcast unless you don’t mind being spoiled up to S9E04 “Slumber Party”.

Otherwise Samantha and Matt give their review of the aforementioned episode, and get Scott’s review plus ponder your feedback on the same.

Remember for all of our social media links, and submit feedback by e-mailing or by calling 888-398-6625.